
Discover the Healing Power of Salon@Church: Now a Certified L’ANZA Healing Center

Hello, beautiful people! It’s Laurie here, owner of Salon@Church, and I am beyond thrilled to share some exciting news with you. We’ve taken a huge step forward in our commitment to providing the best haircare experience possible – Salon@Church is now a certified L’ANZA Healing Center! This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to deliver top-tier haircare while ensuring your well-being and satisfaction. Let me tell you why this is the best move for you, our cherished guests.

Why We Chose L’ANZA:
At Salon@Church, we believe in using only the best for our clients, and that’s why we chose L’ANZA. Known for their advanced Healing Haircare products, L’ANZA combines cutting-edge technology with natural ingredients to repair damage, restore strength, and enhance the health and beauty of your hair. This means we can now offer you treatments that truly heal, protect, and rejuvenate your locks.

Key Features of L’ANZA Healing Haircare:

  1. Keratin Healing System: Rebuilds and fortifies hair structure using keratin proteins.
  2. Flower Shield Complex: Derived from flowers, this blend ensures vibrant, long-lasting color.
  3. Nano Science: Delivers healing ingredients deeply into the hair cortex for maximum effectiveness.
  4. Sustainable Beauty: L’ANZA uses eco-friendly practices and natural, organic ingredients.

How We Integrate L’ANZA Healing at Salon@Church:
We believe in personalized care that caters to your unique needs. Here’s how we’re bringing the healing power of L’ANZA to you:

  1. Consultation and Customization:
    Our talented stylists will start with a thorough consultation to understand your hair’s condition, goals, and lifestyle. This allows us to tailor L’ANZA treatments to your specific needs, ensuring you get the best results.
  2. Advanced Treatments:
    We offer a range of L’ANZA Healing Treatments, including:
  • Ultimate Treatment: A three-step customized treatment addressing your hair’s specific needs.
  • Emergency Service: An intensive healing treatment for severely damaged hair.
  • Keratin Healing Oil: Infuses hair with keratin protein and Phyto IV complex for luxurious softness and shine.
  1. Take-Home Care:
    To keep your hair looking fabulous between salon visits, we’ll provide personalized L’ANZA product recommendations. These products will help maintain your hair’s health and beauty, extending the benefits of our in-salon treatments.
  2. Ongoing Education:
    Our team is continuously trained in the latest L’ANZA techniques and products, ensuring we stay at the forefront of haircare innovation. We are dedicated to bringing you the best and most effective treatments available.

Our Values:
Our partnership with L’ANZA perfectly aligns with the values that Salon@Church is built on:

  • Excellence: We strive for the highest standards in all our services, using top-tier products like L’ANZA to deliver outstanding results.
  • Care: Your well-being is our priority. L’ANZA’s healing products ensure your hair is not only beautiful but also healthy and strong.
  • Community: As a local business, we are committed to giving back to our community and supporting sustainable, eco-friendly practices.

Becoming a L’ANZA Healing Center is an exciting step forward for us, and I am so happy to share this journey with you. We are dedicated to bringing you the best in haircare, with treatments that heal and protect your hair while enhancing its natural beauty. Come experience the transformative power of L’ANZA Healing Haircare at Salon@Church. Book your appointment today and see the difference for yourself. I can’t wait to see you in the salon!

Ready to experience the healing power of L’ANZA? Visit our website or call us to book your consultation today. Your hair deserves the best – and we’re here to deliver it.

#LanzaHealingCenter #SalonAtChurch #HealthyHairRevolution

With love,


Finding Your Perfect Match: Introducing MYA – Meet Your Artist

Finding your perfect Match: Introducing- Meet Your Artist Match making quiz

Imagine stepping into a salon, brimming with excitement for your hair transformation. You've meticulously researched, scrolled through portfolios, and finally selected the salon of your dreams. But when it's time to meet your stylist, something feels off. Whether it's a personality clash or scheduling conflict, you leave feeling disappointed and unsure.

Sound familiar? You're not alone. Finding the right stylist can be daunting, juggling factors like personality, education, and budget. But fear not, because Salon@Church has the solution: MYA - Meet Your Artist.

MYA addresses common pain points like personality mismatches and budget concerns. By considering factors such as stylist availability and passion for specific styles, MYA ensures you're paired with a stylist who meets both technical and personal criteria.

How does it work? Simply fill out a brief questionnaire detailing your goals, preferences, and budget, and our advanced algorithm will work its magic. Say goodbye to trial and error - MYA delivers a seamless, stress-free experience tailored just for you.

With MYA, precision cuts, vibrant colors, or bridal styling dreams are within reach. Experience the power of MYA today and bid farewell to haircare guesswork. Your dream stylist awaits at Salon@Church - just a CLICK away.


Salon@Church: Weaving Community Threads Together

Salon@Church: Weaving Community Threads Together

Salon@Church is not just a place for hair transformations; it's a haven where connections are formed and bonds are strengthened. Our team thrives on the close-knit atmosphere we've cultivated, where each member is not just a stylist but a valued part of a larger family. This sense of togetherness extends beyond the salon chairs and spills over into our interactions with the community.

Walking the Talk: Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser

This year, Salon@Church is taking its commitment to the community a step further by participating in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser. Our dynamic team has embraced the challenge of walking 5 kilometers with the goal of raising $2000 to support those in need. This initiative is more than just a charitable endeavor; it's a testament to our belief in using our collective strength to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

The Ripple Effect of Small Business Impact

Small businesses like Salon@Church play a pivotal role in shaping the character of a community. From providing employment opportunities to contributing to local events and causes, the impact goes far beyond the salon doors. By engaging in initiatives like the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser, we hope to inspire others to recognize the potential for positive change that lies within the heart of every small business.

Connecting Threads: How You Can Get Involved

As a valued member of our community, you too can be part of the tapestry of change. Whether it's supporting local businesses, participating in community events, or joining hands in fundraising efforts, every contribution, no matter how small, weaves together to create a stronger, more resilient community.

In the spirit of unity and support, we invite you to follow our journey in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser. Stay tuned for updates on our social media channels and share your thoughts on the impact small businesses can have on the community. If you can, you can donate HERE

At Salon@Church, we believe in the power of connection, and together, we can create a community that thrives on shared experiences, compassion, and a commitment to making a difference. Join us as we continue to weave the threads that bind us all together.


Decoding Luxury: Choosing Between ‘Just What I Need’ and ‘I’m Worth It’ Haircuts

Decoding Luxury

Choosing Between 'Just What I Need' and 'I'm Worth It' Haircuts at Salon@Church

Welcome to Salon@Church, your haven for luxury and transformation! As we embark on a journey into the new year, it's time to delve into the world of exclusive haircuts designed to elevate your salon experience. Let's explore the unique features of our two indulgent options: the 'Just What I Need' and 'I'm Worth It' haircuts.

 The 'Just What I Need' Haircut: Embrace Serenity

At Salon@Church, we understand the importance of finding moments of serenity within the hustle and bustle of life. Our 'Just What I Need' haircut is crafted for those who seek a tailored experience, beginning with a soothing hot towel treatment. This personalized touch sets the stage for an aromatherapy scalp massage designed to transport you to a realm of tranquility.

Why Choose 'Just What I Need'?
- Perfect for a quick rejuvenation within your busy schedule.
- Aromatherapy scalp massage for a calming and refreshing experience.

The 'I'm Worth It' Haircut: Indulge in Opulence

For those who believe they're worth every bit of luxury, our 'I'm Worth It' haircut offers a lavish escape. The experience starts with a luxurious hot towel treatment, followed by an extended 5-minute aromatherapy scalp massage. The indulgence peaks with a prescribed hair treatment, ensuring a truly bespoke experience.

Why Choose 'I'm Worth It'?
- Ideal for those desiring a comprehensive hair transformation with added indulgence.
- Extended aromatherapy scalp massage to unwind completely.

How to Choose: Tailoring Your Luxury Experience

When deciding between these two exclusive options, consider the following factors:
- Personal Preferences: Are you seeking a quick moment of relaxation or a more comprehensive pampering session?
- Hair Transformation: What level of transformation and care does your hair need?
- Time Commitment: How much time can you dedicate to this indulgent experience?

Your Consultation at Salon@Church

Our expert stylists at Salon@Church are here to guide you through this decision-making process. During your consultation, we'll consider your preferences, lifestyle, and hair needs to recommend the perfect luxury haircut for you.

Conclusion: Because You Deserve It

At Salon@Church, we understand that each client is unique, deserving of an experience that resonates with their individuality. Whether you opt for the serenity of 'Just What I Need' or the opulence of 'I'm Worth It,' rest assured that your time with us will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Ready to experience the epitome of luxury? Book your appointment at Salon@Church and let your hair transformation journey begin!

Explore More at Salon@Church

Winter Hair Care tips

Your journey to a more beautiful you starts here. 

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Happy 3rd Birthday Salon@Church!

Stepping into Salon@Church today the aroma of freshly brewed Starbucks coffee filled the air, generously provided by Salon@Church to both employees and clients to celebrate their three year anniversary! Pink and Blue cupcakes were passed around to smiling clients, congratulating Laurie on this wonderful achievement.

Opening a new business is always fraught with challenges, but Salon@Church’s fearless leader Laurie O’neill, steered her first year through treacherous waters, open during Covid-19 pandemic.

After three lockdowns the Salon@Church team stayed positive, and were able to reopen the salon! Unbelievable scenes of jubilation as they finally threw an opening party, celebrating loyal clients and raising over 7,800 dollars for Big Move Cancer Ride Charity!

This year has been one of growth and expansion, extending the Salon@Church team and services by creating a brand new Bridal Lounge and Barber Area. The future is looking bright as we collaborate with other local businesses within Welland’s special Bridge 13 District.

In this moment of reflection and celebration, Salon@Church is filled with heartfelt gratitude to their loyal clients, partners, and employees, who have contributed to the success over the past three years. Happy Birthday Salon@Church!