June 12, 2020
Take control and fight the frizz
The changing weather can play havoc with our hair and once that static takes hold, it’s a relentless fight against the frizz. However, there are some simple steps you can take to minimize the chance of fly-aways and frizz.
Upgrade your towel
We’re sure you’ve seen these, those handy little microfibre hair towels with a loop to keep it secure? Well, they’re not just a gimmick. Rather than towel drying and rubbing your hair, which can cause breakage, invest in a microfibre towel for your hair. They are super absorbent, reduce the friction caused by rubbing and help to stop frizz in its tracks. They are also great for keeping your hair out of your way while applying makeup - it’s a win-win!
A handy tip
It can be tempting to try to remove every knot with a brush in an attempt to smooth your unruly locks but when drying, try using your hands. Point the hairdryer so that the air is going from root to end to smooth the hair as it dries. Use your fingers to comb through your hair and pull each section under the hairdryer.
Avoid hair straighteners
The trusty hair straightener is always there to solve your hair woes but in the case of static and frizz, it’s best to take a rain check. Instead, we recommend using a mixed bristle brush. Hold it in one hand and with the other, push down as you brush through your hair, it will act as an iron to smooth away static and add shine.
Spray with caution
Another go-to for frizz and fly away hairs is to pin it down with hairspray. Just remember that less is more. Always hold the can at arm’s length and mist the hair. Alternatively, you can mist your hands and smooth them over the frizz.